Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Inspiring Artwork for Peace Symposium with Burnham Park Academy

The Slough Peace Symposium proudly exhibited Artwork painted by Year 9 pupils from Burnham Park Academy during their annual event on the 26th April 2014. The 10th event of its kind in Slough attracted approximately 250 people from all walks of life, and included speakers including the local Mayor, MP and Chief Superintendent.

Javaid visited the school prior to its display in order to offer creative guidance and support to pupils embarking on the task of producing the artwork.

The Artwork was Sensualised by four larger than life hearts, each depicting various messages representing the theme of 'Love For All Hatred For None'. These were then put together on a backdrop by Javaid just a few hours before the start of the event, allowing all guests to appreciate the wonderful work done by the pupils. The work will now be exhibited within the school.

 Teacher and Pupils standing alongside the Artwork

View of the Peace Symposium from the Artwork